I feel you
I feel you in the dark of night
When I gaze at the moon that lights up the dark sky
I see the brightness I once saw in your eyes
I feel you
I feel you in the heat of the day
When I turn my face to the cool breeze
I feel you
I feel you when I lay down and dream
And feel the vibration of my beating heart
I feel you
I feel you in the wind
When I turn my face into the breeze
And it brushes my skin so lightly
I feel you
I feel you in the warmth of the sun
As it touches my cool skin,
Giving it a warm glow
I feel you
A Poem To My Mommy
I'm right there beside you in the dark of the night.
I'm in your heart, soul, and your mind.
I'm right there beside you when you awake.
I'm in each breath that you take.
I'm in the hair that you brush.
I'm right there with you when you're in a rush.
I listen to all that you say.
I'm in the tears that you cry today.
I sit there with you when you have a meal and when you smile I know that it's a big deal.
And tonight when you lay down to rest please remember that you are the best!
Love You Always,
Your Daughter Briana Marie
*hugs to you*
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