Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I can't help but wonder the purpose of tears. Is there some sort of chemical reaction that happens as a result of sadness that causes one to cry tears? Does the release of tears actually help ease ones pain? Or is it merely an outward sign to all that one is overcome with a particular emotion? When someone cries, we hold them, we console them, we offer them a shoulder. Is that inevitably what helps ease the pain? Is it chemical or is it physical?

Whatever it may be, I have grown very fond of tears. In a way, they have become my friend. I feel that in every tear that falls from my eyes, I have conquered something that I am battling inwardly. Be it fear, or grief, or sorrow, or pure madness at myself, with each tear, I am becoming an overcomer of it. I know that emotion has not been overcome for good, yet knowing it's gone for the moment gives me relief. It enables me enough time to replenish and regroup for the next battle, whenever it may be.

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